March 8, 2011

DIY tissue paper puffs

I recently helped out a bit with the decor for another baby shower and stumbled on these amazing little decorations from Martha Stewart.
They were pretty inexpensive ($20 for a set of 7) and were very large, so I thought it would be great.  Big bang for your buck.  After opening the package, though, I was kicking myself for buying them instead of just making them.  You still had to assemble everything yourself!  So if you're interested in doing something like this, here's the how-to:

1.  Lay seven sheets of tissue paper on top of each other.  Fold the entire sheet like an accordian.

2.  Cut the ends if desired in a "v" shape or a semi-circle.
3.  Use garden wire to tie a flat loop around the middle.  Use extra wire at the end to make a loop to hang the decoration with.
4.  Laying the tissue paper on a flat surface and spread the folds out.  Starting at one side, separate each piece of tissue paper.  Take your time and be gentle, making sure you don't rip the tissue paper.

I had a coupon to the craft store for 50% off (holla) but could have saved even MORE money if I had known how to do it and just bought a large pack of tissue paper from Wal-mart.  Hopefully this will save you some dough if you decide to take on this project for your wedding, baby shower, or other event.  Happy DIYing!

1 comment:

  1. I love these... thanks for the tutorial.... Whenever we have a baby they will likely hang over the crib :-)

    like these....


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