May 18, 2010

We Bought A House!

I am so pleased to announce that after a few months of searching and a few more months of building, Andrew (my hubby) and I bought a beautiful new house!  Woo hoo!  Holla!  Happy dance!  We couldn't be more excited.  And exhausted.  I have moved a grand total of 14 times since I graduated high school just over a decade ago.  Yes, 14.  Don't hate.  First there was college in a different state, then more college in a different city, then roommates, then no roommates (thank goodness), then marriage, then yet another new state, then finding a great location in that new state.  And here we are.  Almost seven years after Andrew and I tied the knot, we finally decided to put some roots down and stop paying rent!  I may have mentioned this before, but we couldn't be more excited. :)
Over the next few posts, I'll share the reason I decided to make this pretty little blog, why we bought the house we did and what we plan to do with it.  Please stay tuned and leave me comments to let me know what you think!


  1. yay! that's so exciting -- can't wait to hear about your adventures in home ownership. :)

  2. Thanks Erica! Once I actually FINISH something, I'll post it for sure!


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